is the online FX brokerage name of Nord Global AB, a technology and financial company based in Stockholm, Sweden. We are a team of financial and technology specialists headquartered at Wenner-Gren Center, the center of technology and business in northern Europe. Our mission is to combine cutting-edge technology, brokerage and clearing services to create a more transparent and competitive FX marketplace for all participants.
The company is registered with the Swedish FSA (Finansinspektionen) as a financial institution specialized in currency markets. We adhere to the strict anti-money laundering policies and guidelines set forth by the Swedish government, EU and FATF. Our in-house compliance department's expertise in the areas of anti-money laundering regulation and compliance underscores our commitment to be an industry leader in the area of regulatory compliance. We have set forth control procedures in order to protect our clients, our banking partners and the integrity of the financial markets.
NordMarkets is the online brokerage division of Nord Global AB.