Fundamental analysis has been used for decades by investors wanting to identify the factors that can have an impact on asset values. Such factors can be related to organizational performance, politics, the economy or even speculations and they can sometimes undervalue or overvalue an asset. The study of fundamental analysis can help give investors the opportunity to position themselves at the right price, or to try to profit from the sale of an asset.
How is it done?
Fundamental analysis is based on figures that are normally public and accessible to everyone. It can be done by reviewing a company’s balance sheet, a government’s budget, or a financial institution’s evaluation. This analysis can help investors understand an asset’s potential and compare its current value to its true but underpriced or overpriced value. Reviewing the fundamentals is key to creating realistic trading strategies.
Fundamental analysis for different types of assets
Although the fundamental analysis is popular for evaluating the price of stocks, it can also be used to evaluate other trading assets. In terms of company stocks, investors will focus on a company’s financial figures, management style, competition or growth potential. It is important to understand the nature of the industry that the company is classified in so that you can better predict possible developments.
In terms of money markets, investors will need to review a country’s financial policies, trade agreements, external political pressure and of course domestic bank liquidity. Every single aspect mentioned can affect a currency’s value, momentum, and overall performance. A country enjoying a strong economy can often boost the value of a currency.
Fundamental VS technical analysis
The analytical approach you decide to take will depend on the type of investment you are looking for. Fundamental analysis is best used for long-term investments and for finding the intrinsic value of an asset before buying. On the other hand, technical analysis is best used for short-term value-fluctuating trades.
“Fundamentalists” will almost always allow time for a return on their investment, while “technicians” are mostly going to look for quick entry and exit trades. This, of course, does not mean that you have to use just one or the other tool. Many investors use a combination of the two analytical types in an effort to create a strategy that works best for them.
Things to consider
Fundamental analysis has both pros and cons. You are going to have to invest a significant amount of time to be able to analyze the large volume of information. On the other hand, by doing that, you will be able to base your investment on solid data, which can lead to better investment decisions. No matter how you choose to analyze assets, however, past performance does not guarantee future outcomes.